AXIS Web Cameras
Info & Pricing
Get noticed with a high quality web cam feed on your website! Application's for our cams include beach views and restaurants, hotels, or tourist destinations to help market your web site and show your business location! With more and more use of the internet and mobile apps, a Surf Guru hosted web cam will make your company more visible and give you an advantage against your competition.
Webcam Hosting starting at $69.95
We make it simple for you to get started!
Increased Performance
Our web hosting increases your web camera's performance by reducing the connections to your camera to a single stream. A single connection is all we need to re-distribute it to an unlimited amount of users. Behind the scenes processes monitor your camera and notify us when your camera is offline so we can minimize the time your camera is not helping you make new customers
See It in HD
We use only AXIS cameras, the best cameras available on the market. That means you can get true full frame HD quality video with stream sizes up to 4K so you can show the world what you have to offer.
Take Control
Our Pan, Tilt, & Zoom (PTZ) cameras allow your customers to take control of the web cam in real time for a set time period and select from multiple preset views that can showcase special features or particular views from your business. With "Queue Control" functionality, multiple cam users can "wait" in line for their turn to control the camera.
AXIS PTZ Web Camera
Info & Pricing
We protect your investment. Our anti-hijacking security means others can't take your web cam and place it on their website for free. It also means you control where the camera can look and makes sure non-authorized users can not control the camera or overpower other users.
Smart Technology Interface
Our hosted cam interface does more than just let users view your camera stream. Smart Technology allows the camera stream only to be displayed during the hours you want and will let your customer know if the camera is temporarily down, offline, and if it is dark outside or your business is currently closed. The static image displayed in the interface is automatically updated every 15 minutes and overlayed with the date, time, and/or a message explaining why if the camera is offline. The interface will also determine if your customer is using a mobile device, tablet, or desktop computer and display the stream in the necessary format. This makes your cam viewable to as many of your customers as possible.
Major Browser Support
The Surf Guru camera interface is compatible with all major browsers. No additional browser plug-ins or downloads are necessary for users to view the camera stream.

Mobile Device Support
Our intuitive camera interface can detect if your users are using a mobile device and display the camera stream in the correct format supported by the device. This means the cameras can be viewed on iOS devices like the iPhone, iPad, and iPod as well as Android devices.

Hosted Interface Key Features
- Easy to install on your website with single line of code that never changes
- Increased camera performance and bandwidth reduction
- 24/7 cam monitoring service available
- Remote reseting of cameras and equipment available
- A single interface allows for viewing on mobile devices, tablets, and desktops
- Anti Hi-Jacking Security for the interface and stream
- Camera control and "wait" functionality on PTZ cameras
- No browser plug-ins or downloads needed
- Automatically notifies your customer if the camera is offline or the stream is unavailable
- Website installation support
Complete Installation Available
We offer complete on-site installation, can work with local installation contractors or we can walk you through every step necessary to get your web cam online for your users.