Think of your network web cam as a valuable employee!  Marketing your business and website are costly and need to be done constantly!  Let your web cam do your work for you! 

Monitoring and Maintaince pakages available.  We handle it for you!  So you can concentrate on your business!  We will monitor and attempt to remotly fix any issues that may arise including remote restart of camera systems, updates to firmware and notifying you if the camera needs cleaning giving you peice of mind and worry free reliability. 


per month


  • up to 25,000
  • SD*
  • Unlimited


per month


  • Unlimited 
  • 720p HD*
  • Unlimited

 * Average H.264 Stream data rates  -  Standard Definition 360p-480p @ 650-850 Kb/s, High Definition 485p-720p HD 1-2 Mb/s.   For 1080P HD, 2K and 4K applications please call for pricing.  321-473-8486 or email

AXIS IP Streaming Cameras

Don't have a web camera already? Surf Guru exclusivly uses Axis cameras, the best web cameras on the market, from the leading manufacturer of network IP cameras. Both PTZ and Fixed cameras delivers outstanding HD-quality video to showcase your business location or views.   

AXIS Q1755-E Web Camera
AXIS Fixed Web Camera
AXIS Web Cam P5334-E
AXIS PTZ Web Cameras
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