Surf Guru is the leading Internet eZine dedicated to serving the surfing community. Based in Brevard County, Florida, we are active within our local community, and maintain a visual presence throughout Central Florida at many live events in order to provide our viewers with the most current, up-to-date information on the surfing scene! Music is another aspect of Surf Guru! During the Stream Intro we play songs by bands who submit their music to be heard over the Surf Guru network! Most of the times these bands perform locally and can build a following by having their Music played here on If your in a band or know someone who is? Just email the link below and we can help get your band played on Surf Guru... has provided Florida surf reports, current surf condition, surf forecasts, tide charts and related information for the surfers of East Central Florida since 1996. During these years Surf Guru has worked to improve these SurfCams to be the best Cams on the Internet! With the incorporation of the Flash stream intro, the audio report and the scrolling text, plus traditional banner ads! We cover all areas of advertising! Plus more importantly supply FREE accurate surf information to our Surf Guru members.

Need some traffic to your site? Have a place to put a Cam? We can help! Now you can get a Surf Guru license for a cam stream! Cut and paste right into your web page and web traffic will start to flow! Or better yet! Cam package! You own it; we set it up and make sure it works.

For more information on advertising or web cam setup contact us.