(P)Layin' the Pipe '08

can you (P)Lay the Pipe like we did?

Epic. Life Changing. Universally significant. These are terms generally reserved for the most elite of world events, however in the days following the (P)Layin’ the Pipe event at Eastwood Skatepark in Rockledge, these were the words used to describe the shindig by millions. Okay, not by millions, that’s a steep exaggeration. I suppose it was more like give or take 150 of the coolest people around. Okay, and truthfully those weren’t the words used by those who attended either, but everyone who made it to the event thought it was absolutely one of the dopest occasions they have ever had the pleasure of attending. It was a cool, crisp December evening in Rockledge, Florida. There was the electric buzz of holiday spirit mixed with Pabst Blue Ribbon was in the air. Two of the right coasts’ most talented bands aligned with some of the skateboarding industry’s most ability endowed legends to light up the scene at Brevard’s newest indoor skatepark, hoping to raise a few bucks for an organization the skate world holds near and dear to their hearts: Grind for Life.

Chris Chambers, the owner of Eastwood Skatepark and the founder/owner of Eastwood Board Supply partnered up with an up-and-coming face in the world of event management who shall remain nameless (okay silence broken, it’s yours truly, MishaMAC), to put on this one of a kind event for all the people we love the most: the music lovers and skateboarders of Brevard County and beyond. Some of the brightest stars in our local skater’s bad-ass universe of talent were on hand to lay their shine down on Eastwood’s all-birch wood bowl that evening. Mike Rogers set up shop amidst the action narrating and handing out some loot for the best tricks and the sickest runs of the skate jam. The musical styling’s of Part One Tribe and Indialantic’s Dub 321 echoed enchanting sounds through the park that evening, pumping some audio pleasure into the scene. Upstairs the bowl was filled with the hand-planting, rail grabbing, smith grinding air show that tickled the fancy of the old school and new scholars alike. The view from the observation loft looked liked a busy skate city below, with the laid back dub sounds of the ‘Tribe in the back ground, and dozens of red cups of PBR in the foreground.

“I’m already thinking about the next time” Says Chambers; “How to make it bigger, better… how to do more with it.” Comments like these are music to the ears of our beloved local subculture. The community we are lucky enough to dwell in is entwined at the roots with the action sports and music scene; it’s as plentiful as the salty water in every direction. What seems to be in rather short supply, however, are events like this one. The merging of skate boarding with the music scene is hardly a new idea, but for the crew at Eastwood Skate Park, this was a freshly blazed path.

A big giant thank you to everyone who made this what it was. Here’s to a future packed full with happy trails ahead.
                                    - peace,love,and stoke for all mankind-

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