WQS May Add 2 Events In Hawaii

WQS May Add 2 Events In Hawaii

Sunset and Pipeline 4 stars

Watch for 2 new contests in Hawaii to be put on the ASP WQS Schedule in the next few days. They will probably be 4 star events. Eddie Rothman and Jason Shibata are working out the details.

The first will overlap with the O’Neill Pro at Sebastian Inlet, so you would have to make a decision to do one contest at the Inlet or two back to back, one at Sunset, one at Pipe.  They would have a holding period starting January 16, running about 2 weeks for each contest.

Stay tuned for more information. There is a meeting going on right now. They may be 5 stars, but they will probably be 4 star events.All is being settled in the other room as I speak.

Reporting from Oahu: TOB

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