East Coast Surfing Hall of Fame Museum

Preserving Surfing History

Sometimes treated like a stepchild by media in favor of flashier photo-op waves and competitions like those in Hawaii and California, the east coast has actually produced more world champion surfers than those coasts and Australia combined.  We also make up about 60% of the multi-billion surf-related business in the U.S.  

So it was fitting when Greg Noll contacted Cecil Lear (Mr. ESA) back in the mid-90’s and proposed the founding of the East Coast Surfing Hall of Fame to honor the surfers, pioneers, industry and media people responsible for this hotbed of surfing talent.  The logical offshoot of the organization was a place to house and preserve the history of surfing as it relates to the east coast.  Hence, the East Coast Surfing Hall of Fame Museum was established in April 2004, originally occupying a space in Ron Jon Surf Shop.

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