Danny Morris Webcast Kicks off Sandbar's RockStock 2007

Live Broadcast Kicks Off RockStock 2007

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The SurfGuru.com Team was rockin' out Friday night at the Sandbar Sports Grill in Cocoa Beach to help kick off RockStock 2007, a three day rock-n-roll fest.

SG Productions presented the Danny Morris Band at the beginning of an evening full of jammin' tunes. The crowds were already packing in since the event included:  The Danny Morris Band, Missing Picket, Skull and Bones, The Griz and New School Dropouts.

Morris, the former Nighthawk guitarist, and his crew showed their stuff and had the crowd moving to beats that were a little bit ska, jazz, flamenco and samba, with some definite 1950s grooves to make a unique surf-rock sound.

SG's own Loxana Katz and Vic Sossi had the crowd pumped as they gave away shirts, DVDs and a pair of Of Smith sunglasses valued at over $100. Loxana was down right sentimental about the cutie-patootie little gal that won the shades actually but it was unclear if the cutie's mom was going to keep the shades for herself or not. (My Dharma Mum senses tell me the little one will be sporting the cool factor at school this week though.)

Lil' Hippie kept the images and trivia fresh while her sweetheart, Captain Keano, kept the hi techie electronics moving and the images hot.

Can't say I understand the techie stuff – but from what I have gathered from the team -broadcasting bands and killer events like this is a cool, new, relatively cheapo advertising option for hip businesses to check out – so we are getting more and more invites everyday.

This is good news for me. Twin mamas need more reasons to get out!

Apparently the production guys can even make the commercials for the hosts and bands – which can be shown during the live broadcast. Who knew?

Guess Dharma Mum is lost in the last millennium – still using a pen and paper half the time! Lucky for me – that is all they need me to do, so I am staying away from the wires and wireless stuff for as long as possible!

Anyway, the bands were rockin' and after the live show was over, most of the team, me and mine included, stayed out to hear the rest of Friday night's headliners including Missing Picket and New School Dropouts.

I was thrilled to see one of my fellow twin mamas, Peggy Znoj, at the event. That chica has two sets of twins – she needs all the Coronas we can throw her way!

WJRR showed later in the evening with their own awesome giveaways. SG buddy Erin Davis got a funky tank that Loxana and I both tried to sweet talk away from her - but it turns out our sweet Erin stands her ground pretty good.

Turns out Dharma Mum's hubby does too. Away from the kiddos for a night rockin' with the crew returned my man to the all night Vernal Equinox party fire dancing of our college days and we even had a run in with one of the pleasant bouncers who gave us a gentle reminder to "settle down."

Although I had to bolt before the end of the last session, I have it on good authority that the whole night was big fun for the whole SG team, our fabulous hosts at the Sandbar and the guys in the bands, some of who I ran into on the beach between sets as they enjoyed our special brand of East Coast beach, much different from some of their Tampa areas. Looked to me like everyone in the crowd was having a blast too.

Had some local rockers ask me how they go about getting on our site and with our gig – and after seeing the shows for the past two weeks I can see why they want to get on board. If you are interested just contact us and the man in charge will tell you what to do.

Next up, the SG team is taking a few weeks off before our next event to enjoy the NKF surf fest and some needed r & r. We'll be back soon with more events and concerts. Just keep checking the listings on the site.

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