Your Friendly Neighborhood Skate Guru

the Magnificent MishaMAC

We may have passed each other on the street, you pumping and power sliding down a freshly paved road; me in my car, grinning at you as I slowly creep by. Or maybe it was I who was carving up the tiny lip of a rain gutter, slashing away at my mini concrete wave and you who was doing the smiling (and honking). The point is, it’s happened. With the skateboarding community as small and tightly woven as it is on the right coast of good ol’ FLA. , our paths have crossed, and if they haven’t, give it some time, they will.

Hi, allow me to introduce myself, I am your new skate section here at Every couple of weeks you can stop in here and find out exactly what is going down in the central Florida (and beyond) skate scene. We’ll also feature one skatepark and profile one skater with each installment. We’ll introduce you to the ladies and gents; young and old alike, who help to perpetuate what skateboarding is all about, and define what it has yet to become; Old school, new school, vert, street, pool riding, downhill, whatever. We’ll hook you up with the parks you represent, the one’s you’ve only heard about, and the random spots that are self-sustained as legend. We’ll give you the breakdown, and tell you how to get there. We’ll also be bringing you info on what’s shakin’ in the skateboarding community from contests to collaborations and everything in between.  Skateboarding is more than a casual hobby for most that hold it close; it’s a lifestyle. Skateboarding is a commitment to something tangible, and personal. Whether it was a pre-teen obsession you never grew out of, the branch off from a surfing lifestyle, or a permanent layover with all things counter culture; every skater has their own motivation, their own style, and a love as individual as the art form itself. Whatever boat of reason brought you to the shores of this, the Ellis Island of sub culture, I’m grateful it did. Now get off and start pushing before you get kicked out for trespassing.

This is MishaMAC, and I’m stoked to be your skate guru.

*As we all know, behind every great guru is a bigger guru rolling its’ eyes. I am a mere wizard behind a curtain that makes up my own stories without the expert guidance of the people I try to reach, you. Stop blushing, I’m not just fluffing your feathers, I need YOU to help keep things from falling through the cracks. If you know of something that’s going on, or someone that’s got it going on, pass it along. Secrets don’t make friends (well, funny ones do). Shoot me an email, and I’ll sound my horn for you if you’re worthy!

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