On The Shore

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Surf Guru Forum > On The Shore > December Craziness
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1/3/2011 7:28:55 AM boodapotamus
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December Craziness

Had to take a break form the forum for a few weeks. My house seemed to have it out for me.

I had a pipe burst in the wall that destroyed my kitchen cabinets. A few weeks later another one a few feet away sprang a leak. Luckily my new cabinets were on feet otherwise they would have been destroyed again.

Top it off last week, I woke up with a stream of water shooting out the top of my hot water heater. Appearantly it had been doing that all night. Great.

At any rate, hopefully three is the magic number and we can move on.
1/4/2011 1:45:17 PM magicman
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RE:December Craziness

 hope things have calmed down for you!
1/6/2011 11:14:57 AM holanola
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RE:December Craziness

 good news is it can't get any worse for you..better luck in 2011