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Surf Guru Forum > Surfing > Landshark Spring Safarai Pro / New Smyrna Beach
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3/31/2009 6:43:35 AM Iriesurfinchick
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Landshark Spring Safarai Pro / New Smyrna Beach

the LandShark Spring Surfari Pro will take place April 1-5 at the world-famous New Smyrna Inlet surf break, on the south side of Florida’s Ponce De

Leon Inlet, in Volusia County.

The tournament will mark the return of professional surfing to the well-known site for the first time since the ASP Aloe-Up Cup, in 1989, won by Hawaiian, John Shimooka. Other events held in New Smyrna during that era include the 1988 Gotcha Fall Surfari, won by current nine-time World Champion Kelly Slater, of Cocoa Beach, who won one of his first Pro titles there while still in High School. The LandShark Pro will celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Smyrna Surfari Club, a non-profit, public service surfing club that was founded to provide college scholarships to surfers from the local High School.

Prize package?$20,000 Purse, Open to all Pro-Am Surfers...

Its gunna be Kick@$$ !

I'll get back to ya with more details on when and where SG will be, but WeShallBe ! OneLove!

Perpetually Stoked!

Perpetually Stoked
9/9/2020 4:42:55 AM
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RE:Landshark Spring Safarai Pro / New Smyrna Beach

Surfers Environmental Alliance helped students receive nearly $14,000 as college scholarships in 2019.  One more opportunity for college students is the Marsh Scholarship fund. The application deadline for essay submission is July 1st (the same date each year).
College students help