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Surf Guru Forum > Surfing > Can you live the surfer lifestyle without having ever lived by the beach?
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12/10/2020 6:07:46 PM Jineshmetha121
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Can you live the surfer lifestyle without having ever lived by the beach?

I live in Arizona, and i have a few friends from California who are surfers. And over the past year. I’ve been following the WSL. Looking up and supporting surf brands like Katin, TCSS, Eat Your Water, Mollusk Surf Shop and other independent surf brands. I’ve grown to love the laid back and cool lifestyle that emulates the culture behind surfing. Surf rock is my go to choice in music , (Beach Fossils, Surf Curse, Wavves, Swimming Tapes, Real Estate)

I have only tried surfing once when i was 16 on a scout trip to San Clemente and failed miserably. Other than that I’ve never tried getting up on a board and riding a wave. So without having ever really surfed or lived on a beach can i really say that I’m a surfer? Kinda like saying can you wear boots and wranglers without ever being on a ranch and riding a horse I’ve debated with others who say i look like a surfer, and when i tell them I’ve never surfed they’re like “so why do you dress like one?” Just my 2 cents i love the culture and sport behind surfing i just wanted to know if i can claim the surfer vibes and lifestyle without being a surfer myself.