Capt. Drew Mesiano Happy New Year Report

Capt. Drew Mesiano Happy New Year Report

North and Central Florida Fishing

Happy New Year everyone! The ultra clear water has continues for 2013 and the sight fishing is as good as it gets. We have had several oversize  redfish come over the rail the last few weeks. Most of the fish have pushed way back in the creeks, staying as long as they can in the shallows, till dropping tide forces them into deeper holes. Unfortunately this puts us in the same place.

Here in North Florida we experience 5+feet of tide on average.  Only allowing a small window of its on! to it's too late! So it pays to know your flat, and use the old adage better safe than sorry..or stuck in this case. I have stayed back a few times and got stuck through the low tide and had 4 fish in inches of water. We have been targeting the reds with a very slow presentation of live shrimp or mud minnows pinned on a 1/8 - 1/4 oz jig-head.  or well placed fly in similar pattern.

Trout fishing has been steady most everywhere. We have had a few nice fish coming from 3 ft holes on the flats as well as off the usual ledges. The black drum have yet to really show in numbers.There a few smaller ones in the creeks mixed with the reds. I have had decent to slow reports of black drum  and sheaphead out at the Mayport jetties.

FUN fishing alert: Bonita just outside the surf. These powerful little tuna are a lot of fun on light tackle. My preference of choice is an 8wt fly rod. They are feeding on glass minnows but will his most anything that moves.

The new year is upon us, let's keep the lines tight and the oceans blue.

Capt. Drew Mesiano
Capt. Drew Mesiano Happy New Year Report
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