Void Pro/Am Postponed to September

Void Pro/Am Postponed to September

Welp, the Atlantic Ocean giveth and she taketh away. Blessings from our temperamental wave machine came in the form of Isaias, a Tropical Storm-Hurricane-Tropical Storm-Hurricane which brought fair to epic surf to Northeast Florida for the better part of a week. A week too early though, it seems–as the wave-producing system moved past our little surf hamlet, she took with her any chance for contestable conditions at the Void Pro/Am, which was scheduled for August 8 and 9 at the Jacksonville Beach pier. 

Alas, short term forecasts propose a flat spell, heretofore. And the powers that be here at Void HQ have made a call.

Postponed. Back up dates (September 26 & 27) shall be the call!

Let’s hear it from Void Prez, Tye Wallace:

“With the epic surf from Isaias on its way out, we are looking at minor 0-1 ft surf for this weekend. We’ve made the call to move the Void Pro/Am to our late September back updates. 

Never fear surfers and surf fans: We’ve had incredible luck with our backup dates in the past! This ain’t our first rodeo, errr… surf contest). Back to Tye:

“We feel confident that our September dates are likely to coincide with contestable surf, as they are closer to the peak of the hurricane season  which is Sept 10th. Stay tuned and pray for surf.”

Pray for surf, indeed! See you on September 26 & 27.

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