On The Shore

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7/28/2013 9:27:30 AM Truthisreal
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2ndlight Forum

Just wanted to put it out there that the 2nd light moderator known as Dave has actively worked to disparage my reputation, censor messages and attack my career.  Please join me in boycotting their sponsors and website.

The forum and moderator are a dedicated groupf of race baiting liberal hacks that cant stand opposing viewpoints.
8/4/2013 8:09:30 AM Bubba
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RE:2ndlight Forum

Liberals made this country.  If you use liberal as an insult you are not fit to be an American.  Whatever they say about you must be true. 
Free Speech, Free Trade, and Free Enterprise are liberal ideas.

8/25/2013 10:01:05 AM Truthisreal
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RE:2ndlight Forum

Free everything huh Bubba...except were broke.  Thanks for that big spender. Obama has screwed up iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt and is about to start a war in Syria.  Hes an authoritarian prick.  The libs have nothing to say as he ramped up spying and corruption.  Take your kenyan Hitler and GTFO.
8/25/2013 10:02:27 AM Truthisreal
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RE:2ndlight Forum

Hey Bubba.....Free speech huh?  Obama is at war with whistleblowers and the media that won't take his orders.  Obama sucks.